Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Synergy of Relational Networks

The larger the donor base, the smaller each donation can be. The more people that know about your brand, the more likely you'll hit the jackpot. The more times you fail, the closer to success you get. The more people you know, the less you need to worry. Here's proof.

Deuterium Tritium Fusion Buckminster Fuller is known for the geodesic dome, and a number of other weird ideas, like SYNERGY.  Synergy refers to the output of a system being greater than the simple sum of the parts. This is very obvious in a nuclear reaction where the energy released is vastly greater than the sum of the parts.

In relationships and in marketing, and in problem solving, leveraging synergy can lead to all sorts of unanticipated scales of outcomes because the results can be far greater than the sum of the individuals. Bucky describes the magical effect in a group of people roughly this way:

(P2 - P) / 2 = Synergy   

(where P= the number of people in the group)

Just for fun, let's calculate the number of relationships possible in a group of 10 of your associates. This is a small group, but look at the number of relationships!

(100 - 10)/2 = 45!

In a small company of 100? (10,000 - 100)/2 = 4950!
In a major city? (1036  - 106 )/2 = 499,999,500,000

This is roughly 83 times the population on earth.

Before you go nuts and start a network marketing company, let me balance this with the observation that humans prefer not to deal with more than 150 (or so) people in their clan. Lots of examples are available from anthropology (the Hutterites) and business (Gore-Tex).

So, what?

Well, if you get more people involved in solving
your problem, then the odds of finding a creative solution explode. Maybe the ancient ‘minion’ is an asset after all? How about a online peer or support group? (YES WE CAN)

Other thoughts?

The larger the contributing or donor base, the smaller each donation or effort can be. The more people that know about your brand, the more likely you'll hit the jackpot. The more times you fail, the closer to success you get.

It's a proven and trusted idea. Synergy.

Let's try it out.Convert this information into knowledge by posting a question in the forum, and a comment below. Share your wisdom.

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